Wednesday, 10 June 2015

5 Easy Anger Control Techniques for Rageaholics

It is obvious that anger is useful, if not, it would have been enabled in human being. Anger can make you do and undo the right thing.
To be angry is natural but it goes bad when it gets out of control. Don't even think of getting rid of anger because you can't. But you can stop being rageaholic.

Chronic intense anger can cause health problems, relationship breakup, depression, stroke, self harm, cold and flu, and higher level of stress. ''Anger can be useful, but out of control it can lead to family breakdown'', says Kathryn Hill.

The bad news is that hot temper is natural and the good news is that you can easily control it. "It is about expressing yourself effectively and calmly", says Phillip Hudson, a psychotherapist.

The following are the steps to control chronic intense anger.

(1) Know your anger arousal signs
You know that you a very angry when you begin to feel tension, headache, and or fast breathing at the sane. At the spot, tel yourself within you that you are very angry and that shouldn't lead you to quick reaction.

(2) Count from 1 to 20 and slow down the breathing
When you leave the sane you can go and relax and think about something else to avoid heart attack.

(3)Avoid alcohol and drugs
Excessive alcohol and drugs plus chronic anger is equivalent to tsunami. By avoiding excessive alcohol and drugs you should be able to control your anger.

(4) Don't argue unnecessarily
LIsten carefully before you answer, you may possibly not get the person right. If the person is ranting, let the person finish before you calmly talk except when the person is insulting you. When that happens, you can leave the sane.

(5) Do daily exercise
We all know the health benefits of exercise, with daily exercise, the chance of heart attach, high stress level etc, development is narrow. And faster blood flow in your body facilitates physical and mental development.      

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